Monday, February 1, 2010

Journal # 76

You Made it! now ask yourself did you learn anything?Am I ready to face the world? How is technology Going to change my life?

News Quiz

Question: The Senate gave Ben S. Bernanke a second term as the ______ on Thursday. The confirmation was a victory for President Obama, who had called Mr. Bernanke a critical leader in the nation’s recovery from recession.

Answer: head of the Federal Reserve

Question: _______, who was thought at one time to be the most important American writer to emerge since World War II but who then turned his back on success and adulation, died on Wednesday at his home in Cornish, N.H., where he had lived in seclusion for more than 50 years.

Answer: J.D Salinger

Question: Scott Roeder, the man charged with murder in the shooting of George R. Tiller, one of the few doctors in the country to ______, took the witness stand in his own defense on Thursday, and said that, yes, he did it.

Answer: perform late-term abortions

Question: Ford, which managed to skirt the problems that forced crosstown rivals General Motors and Chrysler to seek government bailouts, reported a surprising profit on Thursday of $2.7 billion for 2009, its first in ______ years.

answer: four

Question: The legal duel between Alinghi and BMW Oracle Racing is still unresolved, and the ______ showdown in Valencia, scheduled to begin Feb. 8, is in doubt.

Answer: Americas Cup

Journal # 75

If you were five years older you would...

News Quiz

Question: President Obama outlined his effort to rebuild the economy, and vowed to fight to salvage a health care overhaul in his first State of the Union address. Gov. ______ of Virginia gave the Republican rebuttal to Mr. Obama’s speech.

Answer: ipad

Question: The chairman of the Republican National Committee, ______, denounced on Wednesday a proposed resolution that would require Republican candidates to adhere to a checklist of conservative positions in order to receive party support, warning that it could undercut his party as it seeks to rebuild and win back control of Congress.

Answer: Michael Steele

Question: Timothy F. Geithner, the Treasury secretary, defended the bailout of ______ again on Wednesday to a group of representatives who would not buy his explanations.

Answer: American International Group

Question: N.B.A. Commissioner David Stern suspended the Washington Wizards teammates ______ and Javaris Crittenton for the rest of the season for brandishing unloaded handguns during a locker-room confrontation Dec. 21.

Answer: Gilbert Arenas