Monday, February 1, 2010

News Quiz

Question: President Obama outlined his effort to rebuild the economy, and vowed to fight to salvage a health care overhaul in his first State of the Union address. Gov. ______ of Virginia gave the Republican rebuttal to Mr. Obama’s speech.

Answer: ipad

Question: The chairman of the Republican National Committee, ______, denounced on Wednesday a proposed resolution that would require Republican candidates to adhere to a checklist of conservative positions in order to receive party support, warning that it could undercut his party as it seeks to rebuild and win back control of Congress.

Answer: Michael Steele

Question: Timothy F. Geithner, the Treasury secretary, defended the bailout of ______ again on Wednesday to a group of representatives who would not buy his explanations.

Answer: American International Group

Question: N.B.A. Commissioner David Stern suspended the Washington Wizards teammates ______ and Javaris Crittenton for the rest of the season for brandishing unloaded handguns during a locker-room confrontation Dec. 21.

Answer: Gilbert Arenas

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