Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Journal # 61

On December 4 1877, the phonograph was invented. This machine allowed people to listen to phonograph records. How do you think listening to these records was different than listening to today’s Cd's or mp3s? What may be the advantages and disadvantages of each type of machine?

Listening to phonograph records was different because you had to buy huge discs to play music and if you wanted to carry them out to a party you would have to take those huge things. They were different than listening to an mp3 or cd because, you can take an mp3 anywhere, whether its to a party sports event or anything. You can also take a cd almost everywhere, either your car, a friends house, and parties. The advantages of the phonograph was that it played loud music. The disadvantages of it was that you had to buy huge records to play them on the machine. The advantages of a mp3 is that you can take it anywhere, and is easier to carry around. The disadvantages are that you have to charge it before the battery dies.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Journal # 60

On December 1, 1955, a black woman named Rosa Parks refused to give up her bus seat to a white man. This was a brave action by Parks. What is the bravest thing you have ever done? Be sure to include details about the event and why you think you were brave?

The bravest thing i have ever done was when i helped a female from getting jacked. It was a dark cold night, and i was hungry, so i decided to go to McDonald's to get something to eat. I put a sweater on got my money. It was about 8 in the night and almost all the streets were empty because of how cold it was. I was walking hearing music from my ipod when i see a little Honda Civic pass by me slowly, as if they were following me. I went inside the restaurant, and ordered. I then sat down by the window and noticed the car was parked outside in the dark where no other cars were parked by. I ignored it and waited for my order, meanwhile two girls had finished eating and were throwing the trash away my order was ready. The girls walked outside the door. I filled my soda up and then walked outside too. I heard some screaming and saw one of the girls run uncontrollably back inside the store. The other girl was trying to get jacked for her money and phone, when i just ran up to the guy and socked him in the temple as hard as i could and he stumbled back, giving the girl time to get up from the floor and run back inside the store also. I was a little scared he might have a gun, so i started running , and went in the store through the back door of McDonald's. The girls were panicked and i asked if they were okay, they responded and said yes thank for helping us. I sat down with them while one called her mom to pick them up. I asked them if i can have their number just in case, and they gave it to me. Besides being a brave thing i think it was a cool night because those girls were cute and i got there number.

Journal # 59

What's the nicest thing anyone's ever done for you?

The nicest thing anyone has ever done for me was when me and my friend had came back from our game, and we were hungry. We decided to go to Burger King and get a pie, but we only had a dollar left because we had bought some chips on our way to BK. So the lady asked me if i was ready to order,and i said yes. She asked "What would you like?". I said. "A pie that's under a dollar". She asked me what kind of pie, and i asked for a Hershey's cookie pie. When i was about to give her the money, she said its okay, just leave it like that. So my friend and i shared a pie, that was freaking good. That was probably the nicest thing anyone has ever done for me.

Friday, December 11, 2009

Journal # 58

If you live in Extreme cold or Extreme heat which would you prefer and why ?

I would prefer to live on Extreme Cold, because you can eat hot chocolate almost every day with bread, and the heater on warming the house. I would not like to live on Extreme heat because you can get dehydrated and you have to be getting hydrated almost every single hour. I would choose to live on extreme cold because you sleep better when your cozy and warm, and you dont feel the time go by. I would also prefer to live in the cold because when its hot you cant play any sport because its dangerous and you can get dehydrated like i said before. When its cold you can play sports because you can wear thermals underneath and you would be warm and wont feel the cold that much.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Journal # 57

If you can change one thing in the world what would it be?

If i can change one thing in the world, it would be that algebra 2 wouldn't be so hard and that everybody didn't have to take it. I would change this because i think many people struggle with that class and that affects their resumei to go to college. I would also change this because many people give up on themselves and they don't want to go to school anymore, and then they drop out. If this class wouldn't be so hard many people would be graduating and many people in the United States would have careers. I also think that many students that have this class would be happy if they didn't have to take it, and it wouldn't affect their record. Another reason why i would change this is because some of the material in Algebra 2 isn't necessary and if the students don't get it and they fail that part then that affects them in their grade and in their GPA because they wont have the opportunity to go to the college they want.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Journal # 56

If your life story was a book, what would it be titled? What would its chapter titles be?

If my life story was a book i would call it the Adventures of Neftaly. The chapters in it would be 1. How it all started
2. Growing up as a kid
3. Neftaly Stops!
4. A Dream Come True

I would title my first chapter "How it All Started" because this would explain everything you have to know about me, starting since i was in my moms stomach until the day the day that i started walking. I would title my second chapter "Growing Up As A Kid" because this would also explain what i liked to do when i was younger and my favorite hobby, food, etc. I would probably title my third chapter "Neftaly Stops" because you would find out i stop doing something i really loved to do, due to bad influences. The fourth chapter would be "A Dream Come True" because i am going to explain here that i accomplish all my goals and become something important in life.

Journal # 55

You'll never do _______ again. And here's why...?

Monday, December 7, 2009

Journal # 54

The holidays are fast approaching, what are you looking forward too?

Journal # 53

Why is education important? In what ways do people learn?

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Journal # 52

Between the ages of 5 and 10, what was your favorite activity?
Why? Do you still do it?

Between the ages of 5 and 10my favoruite activity was playing soccer.

Journal # 51

I remember when. . .

I remember when i got hit in the eye while playing soccer. I remember it like if it was yesterday. I was playing soccer and we were down by a goal so my friend send me a pass, and i was running for the ball,when the ball was suddenly bounced on a hole and reached my head. I was about to header the ball when suddenly the guy from the other team tried kicking the ball, but by accident he kicked my eye. It hurted like a..... , but i didn't want to show that it hurted, because my coach was going to take me out of the game and i didn't want to let my team lose. I will never forget that scary experience because i thought i was going to go blind after that hard kick.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Journal # 50

I were going to be stranded on a desert island, what 10 items would I want in my pockets? And Why?

If i was to be stranded on desert island, 10 things i would want in my pocket would be:Two water bottles, my ipod,A mechanical fan,batteries, some chips, a cell phone, my phone charger, ipod charger, tools to get fruit or food. I would want water bottles, because i would get dehydrated from walking around the whole island trying to look for people. I would get thirsty and drink a little bit of water, not a lot because then it would waste, but a little while i find a place to get fresh water. I would also want my ipod to hear music while i roam the island and wont be bored when i am alone in the night. I would play the apps in the ipod and get entertained.

I would also want to have a mechanical fan in my pocket because, if it gets too hot i could use the fan to refresh myself. If my batteries waste i would have the extra ones that were also in my pocket. That way i can be refreshed and have more energy for roaming the island. I would also want some chips because i would not like to eat animals that are in the island, and plus, i don't know how to cook. I would consider having a cell phone in my pocket because i could try to communicate with people across the island to send someone and help me,if they don't listen, i would say that i discovered a new island , so that way they can pick me up. I would take my ipod and phone charger to charge my ipod and phone, so that way my ipod and phone wont die. If i can have some hunting tools in my pocket that would be cool, because i can get some coco's or maybe apples that have been growing on trees.