Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Journal # 59

What's the nicest thing anyone's ever done for you?

The nicest thing anyone has ever done for me was when me and my friend had came back from our game, and we were hungry. We decided to go to Burger King and get a pie, but we only had a dollar left because we had bought some chips on our way to BK. So the lady asked me if i was ready to order,and i said yes. She asked "What would you like?". I said. "A pie that's under a dollar". She asked me what kind of pie, and i asked for a Hershey's cookie pie. When i was about to give her the money, she said its okay, just leave it like that. So my friend and i shared a pie, that was freaking good. That was probably the nicest thing anyone has ever done for me.

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