Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Journal # 50

I were going to be stranded on a desert island, what 10 items would I want in my pockets? And Why?

If i was to be stranded on desert island, 10 things i would want in my pocket would be:Two water bottles, my ipod,A mechanical fan,batteries, some chips, a cell phone, my phone charger, ipod charger, tools to get fruit or food. I would want water bottles, because i would get dehydrated from walking around the whole island trying to look for people. I would get thirsty and drink a little bit of water, not a lot because then it would waste, but a little while i find a place to get fresh water. I would also want my ipod to hear music while i roam the island and wont be bored when i am alone in the night. I would play the apps in the ipod and get entertained.

I would also want to have a mechanical fan in my pocket because, if it gets too hot i could use the fan to refresh myself. If my batteries waste i would have the extra ones that were also in my pocket. That way i can be refreshed and have more energy for roaming the island. I would also want some chips because i would not like to eat animals that are in the island, and plus, i don't know how to cook. I would consider having a cell phone in my pocket because i could try to communicate with people across the island to send someone and help me,if they don't listen, i would say that i discovered a new island , so that way they can pick me up. I would take my ipod and phone charger to charge my ipod and phone, so that way my ipod and phone wont die. If i can have some hunting tools in my pocket that would be cool, because i can get some coco's or maybe apples that have been growing on trees.

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