Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Journal # 56

If your life story was a book, what would it be titled? What would its chapter titles be?

If my life story was a book i would call it the Adventures of Neftaly. The chapters in it would be 1. How it all started
2. Growing up as a kid
3. Neftaly Stops!
4. A Dream Come True

I would title my first chapter "How it All Started" because this would explain everything you have to know about me, starting since i was in my moms stomach until the day the day that i started walking. I would title my second chapter "Growing Up As A Kid" because this would also explain what i liked to do when i was younger and my favorite hobby, food, etc. I would probably title my third chapter "Neftaly Stops" because you would find out i stop doing something i really loved to do, due to bad influences. The fourth chapter would be "A Dream Come True" because i am going to explain here that i accomplish all my goals and become something important in life.

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