Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Journal # 60

On December 1, 1955, a black woman named Rosa Parks refused to give up her bus seat to a white man. This was a brave action by Parks. What is the bravest thing you have ever done? Be sure to include details about the event and why you think you were brave?

The bravest thing i have ever done was when i helped a female from getting jacked. It was a dark cold night, and i was hungry, so i decided to go to McDonald's to get something to eat. I put a sweater on got my money. It was about 8 in the night and almost all the streets were empty because of how cold it was. I was walking hearing music from my ipod when i see a little Honda Civic pass by me slowly, as if they were following me. I went inside the restaurant, and ordered. I then sat down by the window and noticed the car was parked outside in the dark where no other cars were parked by. I ignored it and waited for my order, meanwhile two girls had finished eating and were throwing the trash away my order was ready. The girls walked outside the door. I filled my soda up and then walked outside too. I heard some screaming and saw one of the girls run uncontrollably back inside the store. The other girl was trying to get jacked for her money and phone, when i just ran up to the guy and socked him in the temple as hard as i could and he stumbled back, giving the girl time to get up from the floor and run back inside the store also. I was a little scared he might have a gun, so i started running , and went in the store through the back door of McDonald's. The girls were panicked and i asked if they were okay, they responded and said yes thank for helping us. I sat down with them while one called her mom to pick them up. I asked them if i can have their number just in case, and they gave it to me. Besides being a brave thing i think it was a cool night because those girls were cute and i got there number.

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