Monday, November 30, 2009

Journal # 49

You had four days off, tell me about them.

I had four days of because of thanksgiving. They were pretty cool and chill. The first day which was Thursday, i went to Walmart with my friend and his mom, and we bought a lot of things for his little sister and for us too. I spent like $10 on some things i needed. After that we went home and ate, after we ate we played some Ps3 for like about 3 hours and then we went to the store with his dad. After we got back they took me home and my mom had already made the food for later in the night. We waited for the family to come and then we did a little prayer, then we ate.

I ate a lot that day i was full but then later on i was even more hungry. On Friday my mom and i went to the mall to get some clothes since they had discount. We went early in the morning and got back home like around 6 in the afternoon. We bought a lot of clothes for me and her and my dad. On Saturday, it was my sisters birthday, so we had a little party for her. All of our family came and stayed over until late in the night. We ate and had games for the little kids to play. After that we cleaned up and we went to sleep. The next day which was Sunday, we woke up like around 10 in the morning , and ate. After we ate we took a shower and we took my little sister to my aunts house. We stayed there for a while, she had fun playing with my little cousin. I had fun too because my cousin and i played some Ps3. That's how my four day weekend was.

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