Thursday, January 14, 2010

News Quiz

1. Question:Survivors strained desperately on Wednesday against the chunks of concrete that buried Port-au-Prince, Haiti, along with thousands of its residents, rich and poor, from shantytowns to the presidential palace, in the devastating earthquake that struck late Tuesday afternoon. Calling the death toll “unimaginable” as he surveyed the wreckage, Haiti’s president, ______, said he had no idea where he would sleep.

Answer:Rene Preval

2. Question: A wave of American companies have been arriving in ______ in recent months to pursue what is expected to be a multibillion-dollar bonanza of projects to revive the country’s stagnant petroleum industry, as ______ seeks to establish itself as the world’s top oil producer.

Answer: Iraq

3. Question: Doctors have long hoped to discover a “morning-after pill” to blunt the often disabling emotional fallout from traumatic experiences. Now it appears that they have had one on hand all along: ______.


4. Question: In the final days of the race for Senator Edward M. Kennedy’s seat, ______ — the Democratic candidate, state attorney general and onetime shoo-in for victory — is on the defensive. Polls have suggested that Scott Brown, the Republican opponent and until recently a little-known state senator, is gaining traction with unaffiliated voters and even some Democrats, electrifying a race that had seemed blandly predictable.

Answer: Martha Coakley

5. Question: Lawyers for ______ and an apparel company staked out aggressive positions at a Supreme Court argument Wednesday over whether the league should be treated as a single entity or a collection of 32 independent companies for purposes of the antitrust laws.

Answer:The National Football League

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