Monday, January 11, 2010

Journal# 62

Tell us about your winter break. 3 weeks, 3 paragraphs

My winter break was pretty cool. The first day i we got out my family and i went to disneyland. We had so much fun on the rides and the shows the characters performed. The following day was Christmas, and all our family was over for dinner. We ate and then we opened the gifts, after that we playued music and some of my family was dancing.

The second week was New Years and we went to my aunts house for dinner. We did practically the same thing we did for Christmas. We ate danced a little and then we waited until it was midnight to celebrate more. We stayed until 3 in the morning partying, and everyone had somuch fun.

On the third week it was a Saturday and we had planned togo Big Bear, to the snow. We left since 8 in the morning and got there until 12 in the afternoon. It was a longtrip but it was worth it because we had fun sliding down the hills with the sleds. We stayed their for 4 hours because the temperature was dropping and it was getting cold.

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