Wednesday, January 20, 2010

News Quiz

Question:A team of militants launched a spectacular assault at the heart of the Afghan government on Monday, with two men detonating suicide bombs and the rest fighting to the death only 50 yards from the gates of the presidential palace in ______, Afghanistan.

Answer: kabul

Question:Kraft has reached a deal for a friendly takeover of ______, tentatively agreeing to pay about $19 billion in cash and stock for the confectioner, people briefed on the matter said on Monday.

Answer: cadbury

Question:A push by celebrities, athletes and the first lady encouraging ______ for earthquake relief in Haiti has contributed to a fund-raising bonanza for the American Red Cross, which a little over a year ago was so strapped it turned to Congress for a bailout.

Answer: text message donations

Question:The White House and Democratic Congressional leaders, scrambling for a backup plan to rescue their health care legislation if Republicans win the special election in ______ on Tuesday, have begun laying the groundwork to ask House Democrats to approve the Senate version of the bill and send it directly to President Obama for his signature.

Answer: massachusetts

Question:Almost three decades after he shot and wounded ______, Mehmet Ali Agca walked free from prison on Monday, heading to a luxury hotel and proclaiming himself to be “Christ eternal.”

Answer: Pope John Paul II

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