Wednesday, January 27, 2010

News Quiz

Question: Advocates of more aggressive steps to address the ______ failed Tuesday in their effort to create a bipartisan commission to press for tax increases and spending cuts, but President Obama now plans to establish a similar panel by executive order in his State of the Union address on Wednesday.

Answer: National Debt

Question: Federal officials charged four men on Tuesday with plotting to tamper with the telephone system in the New Orleans office of Senator ______, Democrat of Louisiana.

Answer: Mary Landrieu

Question: As voters streamed to the polls on Tuesday in ______’s first election since the defeat of the Tamil Tiger insurgency, the Tamil vote emerged as the bloc that could decide the winner.

Answer: Sri Lanka

Question: In an opinion issued on Monday, a three-judge panel of the United States Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit rejected the claims in a lawsuit challenging a ban on the game ______ by the Waupun Correctional Institution in Wisconsin.

Answer: Dungeons and Dragons

Question: ______, the Swedish automaker that seemed destined for the junkyard a month ago after its owner, General Motors, said it could not find a buyer, won a new lease on life Tuesday when G.M. agreed to sell ______ to a tiny Dutch maker of high-end sports cars.

Answer: Saab

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