Wednesday, January 20, 2010

News Quiz

Question: Martha Coakley conceded the Senate race to ______ in a stunning victory in Massachusetts that will erode the Democratic super majority in the Senate.

Answer: Scott brown

Question: Gov. David A. Paterson proposed on Tuesday what would be the largest cut to school aid in more than two decades and nearly ______ in new or increased taxes and fees as he unveiled his budget, a plan that is likely to be the first chapter in a prolonged battle with the New York Legislature.

Answer: 1 billion

Question: President Obama on Tuesday stepped into the middle of a fierce lobbying battle by reinforcing his support for ______ to protect consumers against lending abuses that contributed to the financial crisis. The president’s move also signaled a tougher line and a more direct role as Congress weighs an overhaul of banking regulation.

Answer: an independent agency

Question: American military helicopters landed on Tuesday at Haiti’s wrecked ______, and troops began rolling through the capital’s battered streets, signs of the growing international relief operation here. But the troops’ presence underscored the rising complaints that the Haitian government had all but disappeared in the week since a huge earthquake struck.

Answer:National Palace

Question: ______ Coach Jim Calhoun took an indefinite medical leave of absence on Tuesday, with the institution citing “temporary medical issues.” The university declined to specify Calhoun’s medical issues or offer a timetable for his return.

Answer: University of Connecticut

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