Monday, February 1, 2010

Journal # 76

You Made it! now ask yourself did you learn anything?Am I ready to face the world? How is technology Going to change my life?

News Quiz

Question: The Senate gave Ben S. Bernanke a second term as the ______ on Thursday. The confirmation was a victory for President Obama, who had called Mr. Bernanke a critical leader in the nation’s recovery from recession.

Answer: head of the Federal Reserve

Question: _______, who was thought at one time to be the most important American writer to emerge since World War II but who then turned his back on success and adulation, died on Wednesday at his home in Cornish, N.H., where he had lived in seclusion for more than 50 years.

Answer: J.D Salinger

Question: Scott Roeder, the man charged with murder in the shooting of George R. Tiller, one of the few doctors in the country to ______, took the witness stand in his own defense on Thursday, and said that, yes, he did it.

Answer: perform late-term abortions

Question: Ford, which managed to skirt the problems that forced crosstown rivals General Motors and Chrysler to seek government bailouts, reported a surprising profit on Thursday of $2.7 billion for 2009, its first in ______ years.

answer: four

Question: The legal duel between Alinghi and BMW Oracle Racing is still unresolved, and the ______ showdown in Valencia, scheduled to begin Feb. 8, is in doubt.

Answer: Americas Cup

Journal # 75

If you were five years older you would...

News Quiz

Question: President Obama outlined his effort to rebuild the economy, and vowed to fight to salvage a health care overhaul in his first State of the Union address. Gov. ______ of Virginia gave the Republican rebuttal to Mr. Obama’s speech.

Answer: ipad

Question: The chairman of the Republican National Committee, ______, denounced on Wednesday a proposed resolution that would require Republican candidates to adhere to a checklist of conservative positions in order to receive party support, warning that it could undercut his party as it seeks to rebuild and win back control of Congress.

Answer: Michael Steele

Question: Timothy F. Geithner, the Treasury secretary, defended the bailout of ______ again on Wednesday to a group of representatives who would not buy his explanations.

Answer: American International Group

Question: N.B.A. Commissioner David Stern suspended the Washington Wizards teammates ______ and Javaris Crittenton for the rest of the season for brandishing unloaded handguns during a locker-room confrontation Dec. 21.

Answer: Gilbert Arenas

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Journal # 74

Invent an injury or aliment. (For example, Knitting Elbow, allergic to pencils)Write how you get it and how to treat it. Be detailed and give examples.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

News Quiz

Question: Advocates of more aggressive steps to address the ______ failed Tuesday in their effort to create a bipartisan commission to press for tax increases and spending cuts, but President Obama now plans to establish a similar panel by executive order in his State of the Union address on Wednesday.

Answer: National Debt

Question: Federal officials charged four men on Tuesday with plotting to tamper with the telephone system in the New Orleans office of Senator ______, Democrat of Louisiana.

Answer: Mary Landrieu

Question: As voters streamed to the polls on Tuesday in ______’s first election since the defeat of the Tamil Tiger insurgency, the Tamil vote emerged as the bloc that could decide the winner.

Answer: Sri Lanka

Question: In an opinion issued on Monday, a three-judge panel of the United States Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit rejected the claims in a lawsuit challenging a ban on the game ______ by the Waupun Correctional Institution in Wisconsin.

Answer: Dungeons and Dragons

Question: ______, the Swedish automaker that seemed destined for the junkyard a month ago after its owner, General Motors, said it could not find a buyer, won a new lease on life Tuesday when G.M. agreed to sell ______ to a tiny Dutch maker of high-end sports cars.

Answer: Saab

Journal# 73

I can improve upon _____. Here's how...

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

News Quiz

Question: President Obama will call for a ______ freeze in spending on many domestic programs, and for increases no greater than inflation after that, an initiative intended to signal his seriousness about cutting the budget deficit, administration officials said Monday.

Answer: three-year

Question: As ______ prepares for its primaries, Scott Brown’s election last week has raised Republican hopes of taking the Senate seat once held by Barack Obama.

Answer: illinois

Question: Tishman Speyer Properties and BlackRock Realty announced on Monday that it was turning the keys over to its lenders after it defaulted on its loans of the record-breaking $5.4 billion deal to buy the largest apartment complexes in Manhattan: ______.

Answer: Stuyvesant Town and Peter Cooper Village

Question: Ending a yearlong investigation, the Justice Department on Monday announced its conditions for accepting a proposed merger between Ticketmaster Entertainment and ______, a deal that could significantly remake the live entertainment business by combining touring, management and ticketing into one company.

Answer: Live nation

Question: A ______ convention billed as the coming together of the grass-roots groups that began sprouting up around the country a year ago is unraveling as sponsors and participants pull out to protest its expense and express concerns about “profiteering.”

Answer: tea party

Journal # 72

What would happen if one of your teachers would stop showing up for a month. No Substitute ever came and the classroom was open. Would you report it?

If one of my teacher would never show up in class and no substitute came i would not report it.
I would probably use that class as a hang out, during any block. It could be like one of the blocks where you can chill, do homework, mess around, and even meet new people. I would not report it because we can have fun and it would just ruin it.

Monday, January 25, 2010

News Quiz

Question: By focusing on what one White House official calls “the sandwich generation” — struggling families squeezed between ______ — President Obama hopes to use his State of the Union address on Wednesday to demonstrate that he understands the economic pain of ordinary Americans.

Answer: Sencding their children to college and caring for elderly parents.

Question: Republicans are luring new candidates into House and Senate races, and the number of seats up for grabs in November appears to be growing, setting up a midterm election likely to be harder fought than anyone anticipated before the party’s big victory in ______ last week.

Answer: massachusetts

Question: Tohono O’odham Nation, an Indian reservation in ______, is caught between the U.S. and Mexico as a major transit point for drugs as well as people.

Answer: Arizona

Question: As officials focused Sunday on the Herculean task of Haiti’s physical recovery — clearing the wreckage and setting up housing for the ______ left homeless by an earthquake — desperate relatives of those still missing pleaded with the authorities not to give up the search.

Answer: hundreds of thousands

Question: Garrett Hartley’s 40-yard kick in overtime sent the New Orleans Saints to a 31-28 victory over the ______ and onto their first-ever Super Bowl appearance.

Answer: Minnesota Vikings

Journal # 71

What is your favorite fast food? Tell me a story about that place. It could be funny , sad, or disgusting.

My favorite fast food place is mcdonalds. i like mcdonalds because they make some good chicken nuggets and burgers. I like the fries and the soda because they don thave as much gas as canned sodas. One time while at mcdonalds i was waiting for my order and the lady was so tired that when she gave me my order she gave extra food i didnt even order.

Friday, January 22, 2010

News Quiz

Question: Overruling two important precedents about the First Amendment rights of corporations, a bitterly divided Supreme Court on Thursday ruled that the government may not ban ______ in candidate elections.

Answer: political spending by corporations

Question: A dearth of snow, and dim forecasts showing not a flake in the near future and temperatures too warm to manufacture it with machines, has forced Olympic organizers in ______ to go to the much-dreaded contingency plan at Cypress Mountain, where six skiing and snowboarding events are scheduled to be held.

Answer: Vancouver

Question: ______ issued its second large recall in two months on Thursday to fix a problem with accelerator pedals that can get stuck, causing vehicles to speed up unintentionally.

Answer: Toyota Motor

Question: The United States will provide a dozen ______ to Pakistan for the first time as part of an effort to encourage Pakistan’s cooperation in fighting Islamic militants on the Afghanistan border, American defense officials said Thursday. But Pakistani military leaders, rebuffing American pressure, said they planned no new offensives for at least six months.

Answer: unamed aerial spy drones

Question: No one was crowing about their big paychecks at Goldman Sachs headquarters in New York on Thursday. Despite a record 2009, the bank announced that it had set aside ______ for bonuses for its employees, less than in some previous years.

Answer: $16.2 billion

Journal # 70

Would you like to be famous? Why or why not? What would you like to be famous for? How would your life change?

Yes i would like to be famous. I would like to get girl like Jessica Alba or even Kim Kardashian. I would like to be famous for playing soccer because they get paid alot and they almost dont have any drama with paparazzi or the media. My life would change because i would be able to buy houses, cars,and anything i want. I think i would like to be famous for soccer also because they travel everywhere around the world and do what they like doing best, which is playing

Thursday, January 21, 2010

News Quiz

Question: President Obama signaled on Wednesday that he might be willing to scale back his proposed health care overhaul to a version that could attract bipartisan support, as the White House and Congressional Democrats grappled with a political landscape transformed by the Republican victory in the Massachusetts Senate race, which gave the Republicans __ votes.

Answer: 41

Question: The Taliban are on a mission to soften their image as they try to counter the Americans’ new campaign to win Afghan hearts and minds. The Taliban’s spiritual leader, ______, issued a lengthy directive late last spring outlining a new code of conduct for the Taliban. The dictates include bans on suicide bombings against civilians, burning down schools, or cutting off ears, lips and tongues.

Answer: Mullah Muhammad Omar

Question: The president-elect of ______ agreed on Wednesday to grant safe passage to the Dominican Republic for ousted President Manuel Zelaya next week, in a deal designed to offer a graceful exit for the deposed leader.

Answer: Honduras

Question: Taking a step that has tempted and terrified much of the newspaper industry, ______ announced on Wednesday that it would charge some frequent readers for access to its Web site — news that drew ample reaction from media analysts and consumers, ranging from enthusiastic to withering.

Answer: The New York Times

Question: A panel of medical experts convened by the International Olympic Committee recommended Wednesday that the issue of ______ be treated as a medical concern and not one of fairness in competition.

Answer: Intersex Athletes

Journal # 69

How has the current weather affected you life?

The weather has not affected me in anything. I kind of like this weather because i feel more enrgetic and feel like i can do many things. When its hot you feel lazy and just dont feel like going outside. With rain you can play sports go out to eat and chill with friends. The sun gets you lazy and you justwant to stay home bumming it. When it rains its a good time to play sports becaue tyou dont sweat and dont get tired as much. When its hot you cant play and you get dehydrated quicly.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

News Quiz

Question: Martha Coakley conceded the Senate race to ______ in a stunning victory in Massachusetts that will erode the Democratic super majority in the Senate.

Answer: Scott brown

Question: Gov. David A. Paterson proposed on Tuesday what would be the largest cut to school aid in more than two decades and nearly ______ in new or increased taxes and fees as he unveiled his budget, a plan that is likely to be the first chapter in a prolonged battle with the New York Legislature.

Answer: 1 billion

Question: President Obama on Tuesday stepped into the middle of a fierce lobbying battle by reinforcing his support for ______ to protect consumers against lending abuses that contributed to the financial crisis. The president’s move also signaled a tougher line and a more direct role as Congress weighs an overhaul of banking regulation.

Answer: an independent agency

Question: American military helicopters landed on Tuesday at Haiti’s wrecked ______, and troops began rolling through the capital’s battered streets, signs of the growing international relief operation here. But the troops’ presence underscored the rising complaints that the Haitian government had all but disappeared in the week since a huge earthquake struck.

Answer:National Palace

Question: ______ Coach Jim Calhoun took an indefinite medical leave of absence on Tuesday, with the institution citing “temporary medical issues.” The university declined to specify Calhoun’s medical issues or offer a timetable for his return.

Answer: University of Connecticut

Journal # 68

What would happen if it really did rain cats and dogs?

If itreally did rain cats and dogs it would be weird.Many people can get hurt and die. If a pitbull lands on you, you can break a bone or even die if your small. A cat might scrath you and even poke your eye and making blind or it might even pull it out your eye sack. But maybe it would just make loud noises on houses and flood the streets with animals. many people would be scared to go outside because they might be afraid of dogs and wont even go to their backyard because its full of animals.

News Quiz

Question:A team of militants launched a spectacular assault at the heart of the Afghan government on Monday, with two men detonating suicide bombs and the rest fighting to the death only 50 yards from the gates of the presidential palace in ______, Afghanistan.

Answer: kabul

Question:Kraft has reached a deal for a friendly takeover of ______, tentatively agreeing to pay about $19 billion in cash and stock for the confectioner, people briefed on the matter said on Monday.

Answer: cadbury

Question:A push by celebrities, athletes and the first lady encouraging ______ for earthquake relief in Haiti has contributed to a fund-raising bonanza for the American Red Cross, which a little over a year ago was so strapped it turned to Congress for a bailout.

Answer: text message donations

Question:The White House and Democratic Congressional leaders, scrambling for a backup plan to rescue their health care legislation if Republicans win the special election in ______ on Tuesday, have begun laying the groundwork to ask House Democrats to approve the Senate version of the bill and send it directly to President Obama for his signature.

Answer: massachusetts

Question:Almost three decades after he shot and wounded ______, Mehmet Ali Agca walked free from prison on Monday, heading to a luxury hotel and proclaiming himself to be “Christ eternal.”

Answer: Pope John Paul II

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Journal# 67

How did you spend your 3 day weekend? Did the rain effect your plans?

My three day weekend was pretty cool. I went to the movies, the mall, and my friends house. We went to the movies on Friday and met some girls, it was pretty fun. On Saturday i went to the mall with my cousin and we got some some clothes because we thought they were cool. On Monday i went to my friends house and we played playstation all day. We played COD Modern Warfar 2 and itwas pretty down playing inline.

Friday, January 15, 2010

News Quiz

1. Question: By Thursday evening, the Haitian president, René Préval, said that 7,000 people had already been buried in a mass grave following Tuesday's earthquake. Hundreds of corpses piled up outside the city’s morgue, next to a hospital struggling to prevent those numbers from rising. The Red Cross says that the death toll could reach ______.


2. Question:______, the Philadelphia soul singer whose husky, potent baritone was one definition of R&B seduction in the 1970s but whose career was transformed in 1982 when he was severely paralyzed in an auto accident, died on Wednesday night in Bryn Mawr, Pa. He was 59.

Answer: Teddy Pendergrass

3. Question: The White House, Congressional leaders and labor unions said Thursday that they had reached agreement on a proposal ______, resolving one of the major differences between the House and the Senate over far-reaching health legislation.

Answer: to tax high-cost health insurance policies

4.Question: Education Secretary ______ entered some of the most contentious debates in college sports on Thursday when, in a speech at the N.C.A.A. convention, he called for stricter consequences for college teams that do not graduate their athletes and said the National Basketball Association’s age-minimum policy sets up young athletes for failure.

Answer:Arne Duncan

5.Question: In ______, 89,000 residents and businesses are sitting on some $50 million in uncashed i.o.u.’s from the state.

Answer: California

Journal # 66

What if you could walk up walls and across ceilings?

If i could walk up and across ceilings i would make a show toentertain people and make money. I would also ask in tourist sites if they can hire me to entertain people and make our city even more famous. I think it would be much easier to get to the store or game if theirs alot of traffic. Even getting to the store would be much easier and maybe you can even get away from the cops if you do something against the law.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

News Quiz

1. Question:Survivors strained desperately on Wednesday against the chunks of concrete that buried Port-au-Prince, Haiti, along with thousands of its residents, rich and poor, from shantytowns to the presidential palace, in the devastating earthquake that struck late Tuesday afternoon. Calling the death toll “unimaginable” as he surveyed the wreckage, Haiti’s president, ______, said he had no idea where he would sleep.

Answer:Rene Preval

2. Question: A wave of American companies have been arriving in ______ in recent months to pursue what is expected to be a multibillion-dollar bonanza of projects to revive the country’s stagnant petroleum industry, as ______ seeks to establish itself as the world’s top oil producer.

Answer: Iraq

3. Question: Doctors have long hoped to discover a “morning-after pill” to blunt the often disabling emotional fallout from traumatic experiences. Now it appears that they have had one on hand all along: ______.


4. Question: In the final days of the race for Senator Edward M. Kennedy’s seat, ______ — the Democratic candidate, state attorney general and onetime shoo-in for victory — is on the defensive. Polls have suggested that Scott Brown, the Republican opponent and until recently a little-known state senator, is gaining traction with unaffiliated voters and even some Democrats, electrifying a race that had seemed blandly predictable.

Answer: Martha Coakley

5. Question: Lawyers for ______ and an apparel company staked out aggressive positions at a Supreme Court argument Wednesday over whether the league should be treated as a single entity or a collection of 32 independent companies for purposes of the antitrust laws.

Answer:The National Football League

Journal # 65

What would happen if everyone wore the same clothes?

if everyone wore the same clothes it would be awkward because you wont be able to recognize someone you want to talk to in a crowd. People would feel weird and they would not like to get out of their houses because they want to be unique and dont wantto look like someone else especially if they dont like them. I think that many people would also feel frustrated and woyuld prefer to be naked than wear the same clothes aseveryone else. Thats what i think would happen.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Journal # 64

What if all the streets were rivers? What would be different?

If all the streets were rivers many people would not be able to get put from their houses or ork without getting wet. Many people wont go to work because they cant get out of their house or they dont have a ride to get to their destination. Everything would be different because people wont be able to get food for their children because they wont be able to swim or get passed the water.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Journal# 63

What would happen if everyone lived in space? What type of houses would they live in? What type of clothing would they wear? What type of food would they eat? How would they travel?

If everyone lived in space it would be pretty cool. I think it would be cool because all the houses would be made of materials against gravity and help the houses stay down on the planet. I think everyone would wear astronaut clothing to keep safe from gravity and that would be the new style instead of cholos saggingwith their baggy jeans. To get to one place from another they would have to use spaceships and mini spaceships because if they use big ones not many people would fit on one planet.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Journal# 62

Tell us about your winter break. 3 weeks, 3 paragraphs

My winter break was pretty cool. The first day i we got out my family and i went to disneyland. We had so much fun on the rides and the shows the characters performed. The following day was Christmas, and all our family was over for dinner. We ate and then we opened the gifts, after that we playued music and some of my family was dancing.

The second week was New Years and we went to my aunts house for dinner. We did practically the same thing we did for Christmas. We ate danced a little and then we waited until it was midnight to celebrate more. We stayed until 3 in the morning partying, and everyone had somuch fun.

On the third week it was a Saturday and we had planned togo Big Bear, to the snow. We left since 8 in the morning and got there until 12 in the afternoon. It was a longtrip but it was worth it because we had fun sliding down the hills with the sleds. We stayed their for 4 hours because the temperature was dropping and it was getting cold.