Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Journal # 34

What is normal? Give examples. What is abnormal?

Normal to me is dressing properly with good clothes, clothes that makes you look good and presentable. Having one or more tatoos is normal, even up to 4. But hyaving more than 5 then thats just abnormal. Piercings are nor mal to me too because we see it almost every day in the streets with either girls or guys. For guys having one piercing or even up to 3 is alright but getting more than 3 is wrong, for example filling your whole ear with piercings, then thats just abnormal too. Now guys with gauges in their ears that widen them is not normal because it widens the ear.
Abnormal to me is people who dress emo. People who like to use over excess of piercings, tatoos, make-up and dress with boots and all the rocker clothes. To me this is abnormal because they dress different from others which is okay, but they dress awkward. They look like their ear is hanging when they use the gauges, and when they get their whole arm tatood they look dirty.

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