Friday, November 20, 2009

Journal # 44

If I could be any age, what would it be -- list 10 reasons why?And explain each one with a complete sentence.

If i could be any age i want, i would be 19.

1. You could be admitted to place younger kids arent allowed.
2. You can get your credit card and create a bank account.
3. You can get your drivers license, and own car.
4. Another thing is that you wont have to go to school no more.
5. You wont have to worry about doing homework or going to scbhool the next day
6. You wont have a curfew anymore, unless your parents say so.
7. You could purchase things younger people wont be able to.
8. You can go anywhere you want at the time you want.
9. You can be able to be admitted at the theaters to watch rated R movies.
10. You can go to 18+ clubs.

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