Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Journal # 48

When was the last time you did something nice for someone? Why did you do it? did they appreciate it?

Last time i did something nice for someone was about a week ago. My cousins friend was coming over and we had decided before that we were going to go eat at Dominos pizza. When my cousin and his friend got there we got a ride to Dominos, and we were all going to pitch in $5, since we ordered a large pizza with two toppings. When we ordered the pizza, and the total was $20. When it came down to paying we asked him for his money and he said that his mom didnt have any money and she didnt give him none. So i thought that was messed up, that his mom didnt give him money so i put in extra $5 and we took the pizza home. When we got there he said,
"Thanks man i was hungry but i didnt want to tell you guys i didnt have money,because i felt embarrased". I told him that it was alright and that he shouldnt have worried about it. That was the last time i have done something nice for someone.

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