Monday, November 9, 2009

Journal # 37

If you only could eat one thing the rest of your life what would it be and why?

If i could eat something for the rest of my life it would be Mickey D's Chicken Nuggets and a large Soda. I would eat this the rest of my life because they are bomb and they taste good when you dip them in ketchup or barbecue. When you get the chicken nuggets and you feel them they afre hot, but as you start to taste them you dont even care if theyre hot or cold. I would consider eating this the rest of my life because in a way they are kind of healthy. I would drink the coke so i wont get full very easily and i could have room for more.
When you think about it chicken nuggets are good when they are crunchy, warm, and are dipped in your favorite sauce. That is the reason why i would consider eating Mickey D's Chicken Nuggets for the rest of my life.

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