Friday, November 13, 2009

Journal # 40

Do you think everyone should get married?
Whats a good age to settle down?

Yes i think everyone should get married. Every body has the right to spend the rest of their life with who ever they want to be with. I think people should get married but some people think differently, and think that they should not get married. When a couple loves each other really much then that's when they decide they should get married and have kids to prove their love to each other.
I think that a good age to settle down is at 30. I think this because you can get to know more girls and and have more girlfriends meanwhile your in your 20's, because when you're 30 and over girls think its creepy if you try to pick up on them. I also think that between your 30's and 40's you could settle down because their are a lot of older women that are single and want a husband so then its not over until you finally meet someone you really like and want to be with the rest of your life

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