Friday, October 30, 2009

Journal # 31

What is the best costume you have ever worn? Would you where it again? why or why not? What is the best costume you ever seen? The worst?

The best costume i have ever worn has been Scream. I wore this when i was like 6 years old.I liked it because it had a little pump that if you squeezed it blood would flow through the mask. i thought it was pretty amuzing at the time, so thats why it has been the best costume i have ever worn. I guess i would wear it again if i ever found it, because i wouldnt want to buy it again.
The best costume i have ever seen was a mask called Licker. This mask was about some alien that had a long tongue and his brain would cover his whole head and part of his eyes. It was pretty cool. The worst costume i have seen has been an angel. Why would someone dress up as an angel if its halloween. Its okay to wear something scary and funny but and andgel and other churchh related costumes do not go with this day.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Journal # 30

Summarize it and write your opinion on it. What do you think is indecent? Does it depend on the occasion?

I think what the police is doing is unfair. People should not be arrested if they are not doing anything bad. They should be arrested for commiting murder, stealing, and or violating the laws. Sagging is not a reason to get fined and or get locked up, if the person feels comfortable sagging then they should let it be because they are not going to change the way people are.
I think indescent is wearing the pants or shorts below the buttocks, descent is wearing the pants or shorts halfway the buttocks. No it doesnt depend on the occasion because they can do it anytime they want,either its at a party, bbq, or in the streets.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Journal # 29

Summarize it and write your opinion on it. What do you think is appropriate or inappropriate? Does it depend on the occasion?

I think this was unfair because the lady has the right to wear whatever she wants at a party. Wearing jeans that were tight is not bad, or wearing a shirt that was too sheer, also a headscarf.Its against human rights to deny this to people. We all have the same rights and none should be treated differently.
When it comes to a party everyone has the right to dress however they want whether its tight jeans or not, different color shirts or plain shirts. I think inappropriate would be jeans that are too tight, for example if they show must of your leg muscle then thats too tight. Inappropriate would also be shirts that show most of your body, for example sagging can be inappropriate because if you walking up the stairs and someone is walkingg right behind you they can see your boxers or butt. I think appropriate would be jeans that are not too tight nor too lose. Appropriate would also be shirts that reach further than your hips.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Journal # 28

1. At home:
Stay inside- I chose this because its the safest thing to do if buildings and trees are falling outside

2. In bed:
Stay in bed and protect your head with a pillow- I chose this because if you get up then things might be falling of the ceiling and it may hit you.

3. In any building:
Crouch in an inside corner away from the exterior wall- I chose this because if things are falling from the walls it wont fall in the corner.

4. On the upper floor of an apartment building:
Stay in an interior room under a desk or table- You have to take cover because if you take the elevator it might get stuck and you'll be in more danger.

5. Outdoors:
Stay outside away from buildings- You have to go to a safe place where there is no trees and no buildings around.

6. Driving a car:
Stop the car in an open area- I chose this because if your driving you have to make sure your not near any wires that may turn the caron fire.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Journal # 27

Describe how your day would be without any electronic devices, No cell phones, ipods, or computers. What about microwave ovens or even electricity.Click on the image below to see more info..
My day without electronic devices would be boring and i would feel frustrated. The only way i can concentrate to do homework is by hearing music, so if i wouldnt have my ipod or computer then i would feel frustrated and wouldnt do my homework right. Without a microwave i would also feel mad because i dont know how to cook and the only way i can eat is if use the microwave.
If there were no electricity for one day it would be, i dont know boring, frustrating, and annoying. It would be boring because you cant see t.v, cant browse the internet, and cant eat. It would be annoying because all the little kids would be outside yelling and screaming and crying.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Journal # 26

Top Ten Songs:

1.Sexy Chick- It has a good beat and is a good song to dance to.
2.I got a feeling- Has a good rhythm and it gives you a good feeling about you.
3.Boom Boom Pow-It has a good beat and thats why it earns spot number 3
4.She Wolf-Even though Shakira made other hits this might be one of her best so far.
5.Use Somebody-It makes you think and remember good times.
6.I Want this Forever-Its a good song to hear while cruising.
7.You Belong With Me- This song is relatable to girl teens when they have a crush.
8.Fire Burning-Has a good rhythm to dance to and thats why it deserves to be on spot 8
9.Run This Town- This is a good song to work out too, it pumps you up.
10.Beautiful-Very good song to hear while in depressing moments, it can cheer someone up.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Journal # 25

What is the one thing in your life that you can't live without?

One thing i cant live without is my ipod. I cant live without it because it has mostly my life in it which is music.Without music i feel empty and believe it or not i cant do homework without hearing music. I concentrate more with music because it makes me think. I don't think i can go a week without my ipod. I mostly hear it every day and use the Internet in it. I think most of my memories, contacts, and addresses are in their so that is one of the reasons incant go without my ipod.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Journal # 24

Can Google make you smarter?

In my opinion i think Google can make someone smarter.I think this because everytime you want to find something out you just type it on the computer and then your answer comes out. For example if they want to find out on how to make chocolate cake they just go to a search engine like Google and they type something in like"How to make a chocolate cake"? and your question will be answered.If a person searches something, Google gives it a variety of websites that may contain the answer on the question or statement they want to find out. Google can make someone smarter but i think its on the person to either take the information or not.If Google gives it all these answers and the person doesnt believe it then it wasnt Google's fault the person didnt believe the information.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Journal # 23

You've accidentally dialed the wrong phone number, but the person who answers sounds familiar. Immediately he/she recognizes you, but because made the call you're too embarrassed to ask who it is. Using only dialogue, figure out who the person is.

Stranger: What have you been up too
Me: Nothing you?
Stranger: Nothing either just chillin'
Stranger:So How you been
Me: Good and you?Uhmm Whos this?
Stranger:Omg!!Thats mean. Remember we met at that one party?!
Me: Uhh no haha; Whats your name?
Stranger: Vivian
Me: Oh yeah! I remember..
Stranger:Yeah we met at your cousins fifteen.
Me:Yeah. I think i told you i thought you were cute right? haaha
Stranger: yeah and then you asked for my number haha
Me: Yeah haha. Well can i call you back later, it's cause i need to call my mom hahahaha.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Journal # 22

Is your house messy? Is it a problem?

My house is not messy and its not a problem for me to clean it every once a week. i try ton keep it clean because a dirty house can lead to filthy animals such as rats, roaches, mosquitos, and other nasty animals that can cause harm for you. As i read this topic pretty much of what it says is true. When its messy in a house bills get lost and sometimes you get charged double for not paying on time. When junk starts to build up its harmful for kids because they breath all the filthy air and that can cause severe disesases.
As junk starts to build up the house starts to smell, and animals start to form, bills get lost, and the kids start getting sick. Houses should be kept clean to avoid all this trouble because if people go inside your house its going to be embarrassing because of all the filth. To prevent this you should clean your house at least twice a week or every day just so filth wont build up and then you get lazy and dont clean it after a while.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Journal # 21

Finish the story.
It was a cold and rainy day and i had to walk home from school.

It was raining so hard that the streets were full of water and everytime the cars passed through the intersections a lot of water would splash.I had to walk fast home so i wouldnt get wet a lot. As i was walking home it started to rain harderi realized i still had a long way home when the traffic light went bad. Only certain people could walk at a time and there was a lot of people waiting to cross the street. It took me about 10 minutes to cross the street,but i was all soaking wet already. As soon as i got to the corner of my street, it started to rain even harder, so thats when i decided to run home and get in the shower before i got sick.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Journal # 20

By now, they were fully awake and when they looked around but they did not see their living room anymore. Instead, they saw themselves floating in a long tube with speeding chunks of alphabets, numbers, images, and sounds. They were INSIDE the computer! It was their dream come true and they decided to...?

They decided to surf the web. Dan and kim thought it would be a good idea to visit parts all over the world since they have only visited Chicago to see their grandma once.Dan and Kim both wanted to go to different places, so they flippde a coin and decided that who ever won got to choose where they would go first.Dan won the coin toss so he was first to choose where he wanted to go.So the first trip they made was to Spain, they saw many kids all over the country chatting and playing online games.
They even went to a gamer tournament where the best players from all over Spain competed against each other to see who was the best gamer of the whole country. The next trip was Kims turn but she decided she did not want totravelany more she had changed her mind,instead she wanted to see how it felt like to be in a real game where dragons and prince and bad people fought to kill and save the princess. In the game she decided to be the princess. The prince would be the boys he liked the most in school, and the dragon would be Dan since he really didnt like Kims crush. So the prince had to fight all the bad people and in the last level he had to fight the dragon. Since it was Kims game she made the prince stronger than the dragon and unfortunately the dragon died. Just as they were having fun and did not want to wake up, their mom suddenly yelled"Kids your going to be late for school!!". So they woke up and they both told each other their dream and they both thought it was weird and cool

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Journal # 19

Do you like the rain? Why? Why not?

Yeah i like the rain because it is not hot. Other days its so hot that you don't even want to be outside but when there is rain or its cloudy its better to go outside and do more stuff. I like to do stuff when its cold because it is better and you don't sweat.The rain also makes it better because i could eat hot chocolate and bread. I prefer the rain too because to me it makes me active.One of the reasons i like rain the most is because you can eat warm stuff like hot chocolate, bread and pancakes for dinner. That is one of the reasons why i like the rain the most. When its hot you cant go outside and enjoy yourself playing basketball or football, but when its cloudy or raining you play better, even though you have higher risks of getting your clothes stained.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Jourrnal # 18

If you could visit anywhere in the world, where would you go? Why? for how long?
Who would you take with you?

If i could visit any part of the world i would visit Spain. I would visit spain because to me its one of the most coolest cities in the world. One of the things i like are the bull runs because you get to work to get condition and run with bulls chasing you.I also like the soccer teams there because they are like world class players and are one of a kind players.Mostly all the good players are in Spain.I would go for atleast 3 months,because it seems like not a lot of bad people live their.
I would probably take my family and a friend. I would take my family so they could see new countries and learn all the different cultures.I would take my friend so we can cruise around the city.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Journal # 17

My most significant accomplishment to date is. .

My most significant accomplishment to date is winning the final with my soccer team. We keept trying every year to make it to the finals and this year we finally did and we were so determined to win that we put all our effort and we won the final. I gave it alli had and we won with effort from every body. I think this would be my most significant accomplishment so far.

Journal # 16

My talents are...

My talents mostly include sports because im not a type of person that likes to be sitting down watching TV. I prefer being active and playing soccer, basketball, football but as long as its a sport ill play it. I enjoy playing soccer and basketball, because its fun and very competitive. Sometimes it can be very stressful because of all the competition,but most of all its fun when you really enjoy doing it. My talents also include playing the guitar,but i dont play it because i dont like it. I was going to guitar school but i didnt learn anything out of it because i didnt really put my dedication into it. So it would be very awkward if you ever saw me play the guitar.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Journal # 15

15) You roll through your favorite fast-food drive-thru, order you’re usual and wait for the cashier to repeat it back to you. Only, he doesn't repeat it. Instead, through the speaker, you hear a very unsettling conversation. Describe this scene and what happens next.

Cashier: (Whisper) someone call the police
Employee: What’s the matter?
Cashier: Some one just broke in the store!!
Employee: OMG!! But didn’t we lock all the doors?!
Cashier: Yeah!! But I guess they broke in or something!
Employee: Then why didn’t the alarm sound?!
Cashier: What do I do, what do I do?!!
Me: Is everything alright inside ladies?!
Cashier and Employee: Please call the police!!
Me: Okay but my food better be ready by then because im pretty hungry.
Police siren sounds….
Police: We got the suspect.
Police: You ladies have a good night.
Me: Is my food ready?!
The End

Journal # 14

What are your thoughts about this article? Do you know of anybody that has regretted posting information online?

My thought about this article is that people should not post any pornographic pictures on the web and especially give out personal information. Before you post think, if you really want to post a picture or any thing that might harm you. If you are not sure you want to post a picture or something don’t do it because later on in the future you’re going to regret it and you cant do nothing about it because the information or picture is already around the whole world. No I do not know of anybody that has regretted posting something on the internet and then regretting it.

Journal # 13

13) Do you care who got the Olympics in 2016. Why or why not?

I really don’t care who got the Olympics for the year 2016 because to me the competition is what matters the most. If any other country got the Olympics its okay because it’s not like Im going to go to the Olympic Games. I’d rather watch the games on TV and it will be the same experience to me. That’s why it doesn’t matter to me who got the Olympic Games for the year 2016. Even though it might be exciting for some, we can just stay home and watch the games eating food we like and wont have to waste any money.

Journal # 12

Write your opinion on the article. Do you think it was fair? Why or why not?

My opinion on this article is that it wasn’t fair for the employee to get fired just because she sent emails in bold red capitol letters. I don’t think it was fair that the lady got fired even though she should have used lowercase letters and black font rather than a red font. The workers that complained thought she might be mad and screaming because she had all capitol letters and was using a red font. This was not fair because maybe the lady was trying emphasize the important details in the letter. The company blamed the lady that she was at fault, but the company apologized and that made it seem that the lady did not do anything wrong.

Journal # 11

On a new document page write how you will use email in your life. What are the benefits? What are the drawbacks? 1/2 a page.

In my life I will use e-mail’s to communicate with people. I will also use it to fill out job applications and send them to other emails. The benefits of emails are that it makes it much easier for people to communicate with one another by sending the letter or anything they want to send by the network rather than through mail. Many people can use their emails to talk to friends in different parts of the world. Others use emails to take care of business. The drawbacks of emails are that anyone can contact you if they search you one the provider you have for example yahoo. If they search your name on Google they’re most likely to find you and your email.

Journal # 10

10) Write your opinion about the article...

In my opinion I think it was pretty dumb for the burglar to login his face book account. It was dumb because he should have at least logged out to hide his identity, or leave no prove in the scene. The burglar made himself look dumb by forgetting to log out and now it makes him look like the worst burglar in town. Now if he faces charges and he denies it, police won’t believe him because all his information got saved on the computer.

Journal # 9

If you could wake up today with a special ability, what would you want it to be? Why? How would you use it? Would you tell anyone?

If I could wake up with a special ability I would want it to be so that I can fly.I would like to fly because its cool and you can go anywhere without having to drive. It is much easier to fly because you don’t have to follow stop signs, traffic lights, or get pulled over by the cops. I would use this ability to get to places I’ve never seen before or I would like to see. I would also use this to visit people that mean a lot to me. I guess I would tell my closet friend or someone I really trust like my family because I know that they can keep a secret.

Journal # 8

What would be a perfect bell schedule for school?
What times and day would school be held? Why?

A perfect bell schedule for school would be from 7:30 to 8:30 first block. From 8:40 to 9:40 second block. From 10:00 to 11:30 lunch and that would be the school day. It would be held the whole year because students get stressed out a lot and need some time to rest and get their mind off school for a while.

Journal # 7

7) What has been the most difficult thing in school so far?

The most difficult thing in school so far has been the tests and quizzes because I don’t like to study and I have to in order to get a good grade. It has been the most difficult thing so far because many tests are worth many points and if I fail then it affects my grade.I have to get all the work done in a short period of time and i need at least three days to get allthe work done, only if its a lot of work.

Journal # 6

Do you think that the education you are receiving is worth anything?
Would you pay for these classes? How much?

Yes, I think that maybe in the future these classes would be helpful for a career. No I wouldn’t pay if they’re free. I would take the free classes and if I’m interested in that topic or class then maybe I would pay. I think I would pay no more than $1,500 a class. If I pay that much I still have to pay for books, materials, and tools needed for the class.

Journal # 5

If you could change one thing at school, what would it be?

If I could change one thing at school it would be the time. I would change It so the classes could be shorter and we could get more classes in the same semester. Every class would be shorter and therefore we can have time to get classes we would have to get next semester. I would also change the time to go in school; so many people won’t be late.

Journal # 4

4) In your opinion, does technology help or complicate my life.

In my opinion technology helps my life because many things can be made without doing it by hand. Many information can be given by just looking at a screen and reading, rather than having a book in front of you. I think technology can help because many people can communicate
throughout the internet and discuss business or almost anything. On the other hand, many people say technology complicates because. One, when the computer gets messed up, you can’t do anything. Two, when you get a virus everything saved might get erased. Three, if the power goes off, everything saved can get erased.

Journal # 3

3) Coming to my class today i said to myself...

"You better learn something out of this class". But before I had said, this class Is going to take long I don’t want to go". But I decided to come to class, so I can learn something and get I good grade, also to not fall behind. Now, I hope I learn something from this class, and turn my work in. I’m going to do this because it's Friday and I want all my points for the week to raise my grade, so I can pass this class.

Journal # 2

What do you want to learn about computers in this class?

In this class i want to learn how to use different programs. I also want to learn how to make presentations and essays better by using programs. I would like to learn how the screen reacts to the mouse clicks. I would also like to learn about how computers were made, how they first started working, where it was invented, and how it improved over the past few years.

Journal # 1

What do you know about computers, and what are your experiences?

I know that with a computer you can browse the internet and do things you do not want to do manually. I also know that with computers you can save many things and dont have to worry about getting all the papers you wrote your things in. My experiences with computers ismaking power points, browsing the internet, and saving essays into the computer. I also have experience in making different kinds of things and/or editing stuff.