Monday, October 12, 2009

Jourrnal # 18

If you could visit anywhere in the world, where would you go? Why? for how long?
Who would you take with you?

If i could visit any part of the world i would visit Spain. I would visit spain because to me its one of the most coolest cities in the world. One of the things i like are the bull runs because you get to work to get condition and run with bulls chasing you.I also like the soccer teams there because they are like world class players and are one of a kind players.Mostly all the good players are in Spain.I would go for atleast 3 months,because it seems like not a lot of bad people live their.
I would probably take my family and a friend. I would take my family so they could see new countries and learn all the different cultures.I would take my friend so we can cruise around the city.

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