Monday, October 19, 2009

Journal # 22

Is your house messy? Is it a problem?

My house is not messy and its not a problem for me to clean it every once a week. i try ton keep it clean because a dirty house can lead to filthy animals such as rats, roaches, mosquitos, and other nasty animals that can cause harm for you. As i read this topic pretty much of what it says is true. When its messy in a house bills get lost and sometimes you get charged double for not paying on time. When junk starts to build up its harmful for kids because they breath all the filthy air and that can cause severe disesases.
As junk starts to build up the house starts to smell, and animals start to form, bills get lost, and the kids start getting sick. Houses should be kept clean to avoid all this trouble because if people go inside your house its going to be embarrassing because of all the filth. To prevent this you should clean your house at least twice a week or every day just so filth wont build up and then you get lazy and dont clean it after a while.

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