Friday, October 30, 2009

Journal # 31

What is the best costume you have ever worn? Would you where it again? why or why not? What is the best costume you ever seen? The worst?

The best costume i have ever worn has been Scream. I wore this when i was like 6 years old.I liked it because it had a little pump that if you squeezed it blood would flow through the mask. i thought it was pretty amuzing at the time, so thats why it has been the best costume i have ever worn. I guess i would wear it again if i ever found it, because i wouldnt want to buy it again.
The best costume i have ever seen was a mask called Licker. This mask was about some alien that had a long tongue and his brain would cover his whole head and part of his eyes. It was pretty cool. The worst costume i have seen has been an angel. Why would someone dress up as an angel if its halloween. Its okay to wear something scary and funny but and andgel and other churchh related costumes do not go with this day.

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