Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Journal # 20

By now, they were fully awake and when they looked around but they did not see their living room anymore. Instead, they saw themselves floating in a long tube with speeding chunks of alphabets, numbers, images, and sounds. They were INSIDE the computer! It was their dream come true and they decided to...?

They decided to surf the web. Dan and kim thought it would be a good idea to visit parts all over the world since they have only visited Chicago to see their grandma once.Dan and Kim both wanted to go to different places, so they flippde a coin and decided that who ever won got to choose where they would go first.Dan won the coin toss so he was first to choose where he wanted to go.So the first trip they made was to Spain, they saw many kids all over the country chatting and playing online games.
They even went to a gamer tournament where the best players from all over Spain competed against each other to see who was the best gamer of the whole country. The next trip was Kims turn but she decided she did not want totravelany more she had changed her mind,instead she wanted to see how it felt like to be in a real game where dragons and prince and bad people fought to kill and save the princess. In the game she decided to be the princess. The prince would be the boys he liked the most in school, and the dragon would be Dan since he really didnt like Kims crush. So the prince had to fight all the bad people and in the last level he had to fight the dragon. Since it was Kims game she made the prince stronger than the dragon and unfortunately the dragon died. Just as they were having fun and did not want to wake up, their mom suddenly yelled"Kids your going to be late for school!!". So they woke up and they both told each other their dream and they both thought it was weird and cool

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