Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Journal # 29

Summarize it and write your opinion on it. What do you think is appropriate or inappropriate? Does it depend on the occasion?

I think this was unfair because the lady has the right to wear whatever she wants at a party. Wearing jeans that were tight is not bad, or wearing a shirt that was too sheer, also a headscarf.Its against human rights to deny this to people. We all have the same rights and none should be treated differently.
When it comes to a party everyone has the right to dress however they want whether its tight jeans or not, different color shirts or plain shirts. I think inappropriate would be jeans that are too tight, for example if they show must of your leg muscle then thats too tight. Inappropriate would also be shirts that show most of your body, for example sagging can be inappropriate because if you walking up the stairs and someone is walkingg right behind you they can see your boxers or butt. I think appropriate would be jeans that are not too tight nor too lose. Appropriate would also be shirts that reach further than your hips.

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