Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Journal # 28

1. At home:
Stay inside- I chose this because its the safest thing to do if buildings and trees are falling outside

2. In bed:
Stay in bed and protect your head with a pillow- I chose this because if you get up then things might be falling of the ceiling and it may hit you.

3. In any building:
Crouch in an inside corner away from the exterior wall- I chose this because if things are falling from the walls it wont fall in the corner.

4. On the upper floor of an apartment building:
Stay in an interior room under a desk or table- You have to take cover because if you take the elevator it might get stuck and you'll be in more danger.

5. Outdoors:
Stay outside away from buildings- You have to go to a safe place where there is no trees and no buildings around.

6. Driving a car:
Stop the car in an open area- I chose this because if your driving you have to make sure your not near any wires that may turn the caron fire.

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