Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Journal # 23

You've accidentally dialed the wrong phone number, but the person who answers sounds familiar. Immediately he/she recognizes you, but because made the call you're too embarrassed to ask who it is. Using only dialogue, figure out who the person is.

Stranger: What have you been up too
Me: Nothing you?
Stranger: Nothing either just chillin'
Stranger:So How you been
Me: Good and you?Uhmm Whos this?
Stranger:Omg!!Thats mean. Remember we met at that one party?!
Me: Uhh no haha; Whats your name?
Stranger: Vivian
Me: Oh yeah! I remember..
Stranger:Yeah we met at your cousins fifteen.
Me:Yeah. I think i told you i thought you were cute right? haaha
Stranger: yeah and then you asked for my number haha
Me: Yeah haha. Well can i call you back later, it's cause i need to call my mom hahahaha.

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