Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Journal # 15

15) You roll through your favorite fast-food drive-thru, order you’re usual and wait for the cashier to repeat it back to you. Only, he doesn't repeat it. Instead, through the speaker, you hear a very unsettling conversation. Describe this scene and what happens next.

Cashier: (Whisper) someone call the police
Employee: What’s the matter?
Cashier: Some one just broke in the store!!
Employee: OMG!! But didn’t we lock all the doors?!
Cashier: Yeah!! But I guess they broke in or something!
Employee: Then why didn’t the alarm sound?!
Cashier: What do I do, what do I do?!!
Me: Is everything alright inside ladies?!
Cashier and Employee: Please call the police!!
Me: Okay but my food better be ready by then because im pretty hungry.
Police siren sounds….
Police: We got the suspect.
Police: You ladies have a good night.
Me: Is my food ready?!
The End

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